The night before, I went to bed around 11:30pm; I thought I had been sleeping for a few minutes and then someone comes into the room and turns on the light and I was thinking I hope that it is not time to get up yet. But yes it was! It was 4 am and it was time to get up. After a few minutes I managed to get up. We ate breakfast, got ready to leave, checked our bikes, prayed then we were off. The total mileage for the day was 95 miles. We began to ride we rode for 100 miles that day! It took us about 12 hours (during those hours we did stop every 20 miles for a snack and bathroom break). We burned about 10,000 calories. The last 40 miles were tough the hills were either really long or very steep but with God's help I made it through. We made it to the church and there were very nice people that had made us food and we were very happy to be able to finally rest. We took turns taking showers one by one. Luckily, I was able to be in bed by about 11pm. Tomorrow was 

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    My name is Kathy Davis and I am 17 years old. I will be biking 500 miles to stop human trafficking. 


    November 2012
    August 2012
    July 2012

